At CAPPO FRESH SEAFOOD we appreciate that you have a choice when you shop and therefore we
constantly strive to make your shopping experience with us the best it can possibly be.
Thank you for shopping at Cappo Fresh Seafood. To help us maintain a high quality of service, please provide us with feedback by filling in the information below.
Was this your first visit to the CAPPO Parkside store? *
Are you a regular visitor to this shop ? *
Please choose the best answer for each of the following. *
 Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutralDisagreeStrongly Disagree
The staff were friendly
The staff were eager to help
The staff were polite
The store was clean
The store was well organized
The store was well stocked
Of the item(s) you were shopping for, how many were you able to find? *
Overall, how satisfied were you with your visit to our Parkside shop? *
Would you like to join the CAPPO CLUB and receive special news and offers ?

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Have you visited our Cappo news BLOG at  *
Have you visited and LIKED our Facebook page at *
How likely are you to shop with us again at the Parkside shop? *

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At CAPPO FRESH SEAFOOD we appreciate that you have a choice when you shop and therefore we
constantly strive to make your shopping experience with us the best it can possibly be.