Exhibitor Details & Contact Information

Please ensure you retain a copy for your records.
Timing is critical and Exhibitors are therefore required to apply for their Exhibitor Space by Monday 30 November.
Before continuing, click yes to having read, understood and agreed to abide by the TERMS AND CONDITIONS of the Show. *
Nominated Secondary Contact Person
Please ensure all information (including email and phone number) for secondary contact is different to the main contact.

Membership Status

Are you a current financial member of BIA Victoria *
Are you a current financial member of BIA in another state and / or NZ? *

Space Request

Click to see the 2022 Invitation to Exhibit and Indicative Floor Plan.
Please note, the floor plan published is an indicative plan. The floor plan allows you to choose what space you would like.
The BIAV reserves the right to modify or change the floor plan entirely to meet the appropriate demand.
I would like to apply for the following space -
Please Note: Prices are per square metre and are GST inclusive.
Shell Scheme

You MUST indicate your space request option below if you have selected a Shell Scheme. Please fill out all sections below, including the Width, Length, Total Space, and Cost (Manual Calculation Required).

If you have chosen Open Space, write N/A in the first box. *
 Stand NumberWidthLengthTotal Space (Sqm)CornerOHS Levy single paymentTotal Cost ($)
Option 1
Option 2
Option 3
Open Space

You MUST indicate your space request option below if you have selected an Open Space. Please fill out all sections below, including the Width, Length, Total Space, and Cost (Manual Calculation Required).

If you have chosen Shell Scheme, write N/A in the first box. *
 Stand NumberWidthLengthTotal SpaceCost per SqmOHS Levy single paymentTotal Cost $
Option 1
Option 2
Option 3
Please also indicate the minimum and maximum square metres you require for your space. *
 Square metres
To assist with space allocations, please answer the questions below.  There is no guarantee that the organiser will be able to meet the applicant's requirements however will make every effort to do so.  Applicants who meet the payment schedule will be allocated space/preference on a "first-in" basis.

Program Listing

In 5 words or less, state your company name (include up to three major brands) for show program and marketing purposes. For example: 'Aussie Boat Sales / Robalo / Chaparral'


For marketing purposes, Exhibitors will be listed on the website under the following categories. Please tick the ones that apply.
Facebook - www.facebook.com.au/melbourneboatshow
Instagram - www.instagram.com/lifesbetterwithaboat20/

New Products

Our visitors, through post-event surveys, advised us that the number 1 reason they attend the Melbourne Boat Show is to see new and innovative products. Promotion for this is very important, and we want to know what you'll have on offer at the show.
You can also email us directly anytime at communications@biavic.com.au.

Payment Arrangements

Payment Type *

Payment Method

1. Direct Debit (please provide bank confirmation of direct debit set up to email address: mary@biavic.com.au)
2. Credit Card
BIA Victoria
Bank:  National Australia Bank
BSB:  083 004
A/C:  68088 4136
Account Name:  BIA Victoria
Submitter Name: EFT payments must include business name as reference.
Note: Please ensure you submit the completed Application to Exhibit form in full with payment for the first instalment, or proof of payment.  If you require any information re banking or admin, contact Mary (03) 8689 5600 or mary@biavic.com.au
I require a tax invoice/receipt

Public Liability

The Organisers shall not under any circumstance take responsibility or liability whatsoever for damages to exhibits by loss, damage, theft, fire, water, storms, strikes, riots or any other cause whatsoever and it shall be a pre-condition of this Agreement that the Exhibitor arrange their own insurance of the exhibit to cover loss or damage by any of the abovementioned means. The exhibitor shall take out a Public Liability Policy with a reputable insurer that holds an Australian Financial Services License. This should be for an amount not less than $20,000,000 (twenty million dollars). The insurance must take affect from the first day of move in from Tuesday 14 June 2022 to Monday 20 June 2022. *


The above Company/Business/Organisation ("applicant") hereby applies to the Boating Industry Association of Victoria for exhibition space at the 2022 Melbourne Boat Show ("Show").  The applicant acknowledges that they have read, understood, and agree to abide by the TERMS AND CONDITIONS of exhibiting at the Show.
In accordance with these terms and conditions, exhibitors will pay all amounts as detailed under the payments section.  The submission of a completed application form does not guarantee space at the Show and all space will be allocated at the discretion of BIA Victoria.
The application hereby agrees to (a) wholly indemnify the Organisers against all liabilities and claims in respect of any breach or alleged breach of any such requirements or regulations during the 2022 Melbourne Boat Show (b) to accept the location and dimensions of space allocated by BIA Victoria, (c) after applying for space, agrees not to cancel or apply for less area, and if the applicant does, it will forfeit any deposits paid and make no claim for refund or costs involved, and (d) once space is allocated, agree to comply with all the terms and conditions set down by the Boating Industry Association of Victoria.
Signature *
Timing is critical and Exhibitors are therefore required to apply for their Exhibitor Space by ...