Section A: Camp Diets
1. The following diets will be available (and a combination of any below):
Regular, gluten-free, lactose-free, vegan, vegetarian, SCD.
Special nutrition: NG tube feedings and TPN
We strive to honor all dietary requests and elimate all alergens as requested by our campers and volunteers. If you have an allergy, our team will contact you further for more details. Please look out for that field in the application and be as detailed as possible.
Section B: Gender Neutral Camp
1. Camp Go Beyond is a gender neutral camp.
2. We are determined to integrate a gender neutral cabin, gender inclusive facilities, activities, and language. Because it is year 1, we only have room for ONE cabin identified as gender neutral. This means only 9 campers and 3 Counselors will qualify for this cabin.
3. Gender neutral means ALL genders can apply for this cabin. With only one cabin, we can only accommodate ages 13-16. We hope that we can expand to ages 7-12 cabin in future summers. CGB will do our best to respect all requests for chosen cabin, as available.
For additional questions, click here.