Today's Date
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What State do you live in?
Do you own a working computer, and have access to a secure Internet connection
How Did You Hear About C Pinnacle Travel?
Your Career Experience
Tell me about your current job and your responsibilities
Do you have Travel Agency or another form of Sales Experience?
What Traits/Characteristics do you believe make for a great travel advisor?
Do you belong to any clubs or memberships? If yes, which ones?
Your Goals
Are you looking to treat this as a hobby,or do you hope to build a good steady income as a travel planner
Why are you interested in this position?
How do you see yourself in 3 years?
C Pinnacle Travel Advisors must develop their own business leads. explain how you would develop your business if you were an agent on our team
How many hours can you devote to building your travel planning business per week?
0-5 hours
5-10 hours
10-15 hours
15-20 hours
more than 20 hours
Your Travel Experience
Have you ever used a travel advisor for your personal trips?
What type of travel are you most passionate about? What would you want to be an expert in?
What is your favorite travel experience?
How have you handled hiccups during personal travel?
I understand that I am applying to become an Independent Contractor. This is not an offer of employment. Submitting this form does not entitle me to a formal interview nor offer of a contract with C Pinnacle Travel.
I understand
C Pinnacle Travel is currently NOT accepting applications from residents from the states of Florida, Washington, California, Hawaii or Puerto Rico, nor from citizens of Canada. *
I certify that I am not a resident of those states