Students applying for special consideration must submit this form along with complete supporting evidence within 3 working days of the due date of the assessment item or exam. Please note that we will take into account the following details when considering the special consideration application:-

  • Your performance in other assessment tasks in the unit;
  • The history of your special consideration request;
  • The severity of the event;
  • Your academic standing in other units and in the course; and
  • Your supporting evidence such as Medical Impact Statement and medical certificates

Important Note: The application may be rejected without supporting documentation. If the supporting documentation is in a language other than English, you must supply copies of the original language document/s, and a complete English translation of the original language document/s.

Students will be advised of the outcome within five (5) working days. Supporting evidence should be attached.
For further information please refer to the Student Assessment Policy and associated Procedure available on the Australian Institute of Higher Education website: www.aih.nsw.edu.au
Please contact Student Services (studentservices@aih.edu.au) if you have any further queries.


Title: *
Sex: *


Block: * 🛈
Assessment Number: * 🛈
The following items must be uploaded for applying for Special Consideration on medical grounds:
1. Upload a Special Consideration Medical Impact Statement which is duly filled by a registered medical practitioner, registered psychologist or registered counsellor. 
2. Upload your Medical Certificate below

Please note that sufficient evidence must be provided for special consideration to be approved.
Incomplete applications will not be processed.


I declare that the information provided in this application is accurate. I have read and I understand the Student Assessment Policy and associated Procedure.
Student's signature *
Privacy: We recommend that you read the AIH's Management of Personal Infomation Policy and associated Procedure published on our website [www.aih.nsw.edu.au]
Valid from March 2020. Details may change. Published [March 2020]. V [ 1 ].
The Australian Institute of Higher Education is listed as a Higher Education Provider on the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency’s National Register of Higher Education Providers, provider number (PRV12013). ABN 70117349256. CRICOS Provider No. 03147A.