Unlocking Media Literacy: Shaping Tomorrow's Minds

Letter of Introduction


Helsinki, Finland

July 17-18, 2024

DCN Global cordially invites you to join us in Helsinki, Finland, for an upcoming event focused on the critical importance of media literacy in today's educational landscape. In an era rife with rampant misinformation, exacerbated by the swift influx of sophisticated technological advancements, the need to understand and navigate this terrain is increasingly vital.

The World Economic Forum Global Risk Report 2024 identified disinformation as the number one threat for the next two years, followed by climate change. The report gathered insights from more than 1,400 experts, scholars, entrepreneurs, economists, and political leaders in over 80 countries. The host of the event, Finland, a pioneer in fostering critical thinking and media literacy in education, has a history of effectively tackling disinformation campaigns by implementing innovative strategies to equip its students with the tools needed to navigate today's media landscape.

The discussions will explore the concepts and practices of media literacy within a complex and diverse world, linking them to using as anchor, the challenges and opportunities of a country that has already integrated them into public policies. Guests from all over the world will examine the state of media literacy across regions, whether in formal education (basic schools and university curricula), non-formal settings
(extra courses and afterschool activities), or informal contexts (media programs, libraries, museums, and lifelong learning experiences).

The goal is to compile insights, discoveries, and best practices into a comprehensive DCN Global map. This collaborative document, to be finalized by the end of the year, will serve as a guide to exemplary media literacy programs worldwide, offering a roadmap for educators and policymakers.

Event Format

DCN’s hybrid events gather up to 80 in-person participants and speakers. Each of the forum's
topics will have a dedicated segment, such as round-table discussions, including brief
presentations, debates, workshops, and outlining outcomes to be pursued by the network. All
participants should be prepared to contribute. The event will be streamed and recorded. Informal
networking opportunities will be created during meals and social activities. All activities will be conducted in English.


Participants will be selected through an open application process based on stated expertise and
interest in the listed topics. Special consideration will be given to those individuals who can contribute
to and benefit from the discussions. The event will include representatives from as many countries in
the region as possible.

  • Up to 50 participants from Europe
  • Applicants should demonstrate strong interest and/or competencies in Media and Information
    Literacy, Civic and Cultural Awareness, Promoting Democracy, Combating Disinformation, Basic and Higher Education, New Technologies, Public or Private Policy Making, and Digital Citizenship. Participants can include media and social media professionals, educators and students, technologists, digital creators and influencers, policymakers, public authority regulators, librarians, museologists, and ethicists.
  • Proficient in conversational English

Deadline for applications: April 30, 2024

*Speakers will be selected from experts that have been recommended or identified by the DCN programming team. Individuals who register as participants may also be invited to speak at the event.

*In addition to applicants submitting applications directly, U.S. embassies from participating countries can recommend candidates and speakers for the inaugural event through an online application.

More Info

The forum organizers will arrange and cover economy-class flights, hotel accommodations in shared
rooms for participants and single rooms for speakers, most of the meals, and social activities during the event. Obtaining visas to enter Finland is the responsibility of the participants.

The forum is organized by World Learning and Digital Communication Network Global with funding from the State Department’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.