Additional Money Earning Activity Application

Additional Funding includes any solicited or suggested donation to a subgroup of GSCP2P by any method including but not limited to solicited donations, grants, money earning, service compensation, or co-ventures.  

All Additional Funding Projects must receive approval from the appropriate GSCP2P team member at least thirty (30) days prior to beginning any portion of the project.  

To be eligible to engage in any Additional Funding project, a troop or service unit must have participated in the most recent Fall Product and/or Cookie Programs. Participation is defined as a troop average of at least 10 Fall Product items and at least 4 cases (48 packages) of cookies OR a troop average of at least 5 cases (60 packages) of cookies. 

I am submitting this application on behalf of a *

Troop Information

My troop was established less than nine (9) months ago. *
My troop (or Individual Girl Scout) has participated in the Fall Product and Cookies Programs in the last twelve (12) months. *
For returning troops, my Annual Troop Report for the previous year has been submitted.

Activity Information

What type of activity will this Additional Money Earning Activity fund? *
Please note that fundraising may only begin after the Gold Award or Silver Award Project and this application have been approved.
Amount Deficit (Line 1 minus Line 2)

Money Earning Activity Information

Which methods do you plan to use to earn additional funds? *
In-Person Event Information
Program Age Level(s) helping to plan and host the event. *
Is the event suitable to the ages and abilities of the girls participating? *
Parent permission has been received for this activity *
Solicited Donation Information
What type of donation(s) will you be soliciting? *
Grant Information

Online Donation Information
Troops and Girls must use the GSCP2P provided online giving platform to engage in online donations (i.e. crowdsourcing). If this application is approved, the applicant will be sent information on how to set up their donation page.
Co-venture or co-venturing refers to a collaboration between GSCP2P or any sub-group and a commercial enterprise. Restaurant nights and spirit nights are examples of co-venturing. Co-ventures are not premitted at this time and these activities will not be approved.
I have read and agree to adhere to GSUSA and GSCP2P Policies, Standards and Procedures regarding troop/group additional funding activities. *
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