Professional Development Workshop Proposal Form

MaMHCA is proud to offer quality, clinically relevant workshops for LMHCs and those in training towards LMHC. We offer a competitive reimbursement rate of $115 per hour to our presenters.

Submission of this form does not guarantee you will be on our Professional Development calendar. We review and vet each application carefully. If your workshop is accepted, we work together to find the best date for you to present.

Note: Clinical focused sessions usually run on Saturday mornings, while Supervision focused sessions are typically offered on Sunday mornings. Thank you for your proposal. You will hear from us within 7-10 business days from submission.

Presenter Information

Please complete all information for the Primary Presenter. 
Additional faculty contact information can be added. {Optional}
Have you presented for MaMHCA before? *
Are you a: [Note: If an, LLC, Partnership or Sole Proprietor, you must upload a W9 with this application to be paid] *

Is primary presenter a MaMHCA member? *

Is additional presenter a MaMHCA member?
0/100 words

Workshop Proposal Details

Please indicate how long your workshop will run *
This workshop focuses on working with these populations: *
Target Audience *
To describe your learning Goals/Objectives, please create statements that indicate what attendees will/should be able to do after your workshop.
You may use these terms:
list, state, describe, differentiate, discuss, calculate, compare, contrast, choose, define, demonstrate, estimate, evaluate, locate, match, name, plan, predict, rank, recommend, select, summarizem write, etc.
Please avoid using these terms: know, learn, appreciate, value, acquire, comprehend, be familiar with, recognize, understand, etc.
Bibliography: list at least 3 current references *

Workshop Tech and Support Needs

I prefer to present [check all that apply] *
If your session is scheduled as a hybrid workshop, MaMHCA will determine the maximum number of attendees able to join via Zoom

ZOOM Specific Workshop Tech and Support Needs

To be able to support you and create the best experience for you and the learners, we would like to be able to anticipate any needs you may have.
Please verify the following:
I have reliable internet connections - or a backup plan that has been tested and works *
I have used ZOOM before and am comfortable with the platform *
Will you be able to share and run your own power point slides? *
Will you want participants to be able to enter breakout rooms as teams to discuss material? *
Can you set up and set times for breakout rooms on your own? *
Will you have a break during your workshop? *
If yes, at what time? (approximately) *
The assigned workshop manager will monitor the chat for questions. Depending on how many participants are present, you may have a preference as to how you want questions posed to you. *