2024 Annual Conference Breakout Session Workshop Proposal Form

The 2024 Annual Conference theme is "Bridges to Belonging: DEI in all aspects of Mental Health Counseling".  Your breakout session proposal should add to the richness of our morning panel focus:

Our panel of diverse LMHCs will address the following questions, and more during our Saturday morning 3-hour Plenary session.

  • Does this ability to have a voice at the table change depending on the environment in which we work?
  • Do our personal identifiers, such as age, gender, ability, race, religion or others, effect the opportunity to have a seat at the table?
  • How does the client demographic impact the sense of belonging for both client and therapist?
  • And what can MaMHCA do to be more open & supportive,assist with needed changes, and help Build the Bridges?            
The Conference Committee will review all proposals and choose 4 for the conference breakout workshops.
Other proposals may be chosen as either a Lunch & Learn session or a 3 hour workshop to be added to our Continuing Education claendar.
All breakout sessions should be 90minutes in duration
Submission deadline is July 25, 2024

Presenter Information

Please complete all information for the Primary Presenter. 
Additional faculty contact information can be added. {Optional}
Is primary presenter a MaMHCA member? *

Is Second presenter a MaMHCA member?

Workshop Proposal Details - all breakout sessions will be 90 minutes long

This workshop focuses on working with these populations: *
Target Audience *
Bibliography: list at least 3 current references *

Workshop Tech and Support Needs

To be able to support you and create the best experience for you and the learners, we would like to be able to anticipate any needs you may have.
Please verify the following:
Room set-up and A/V needs for your session *
Will you be able to share and run your own power point slides? *
How do you want questions posed to you? *
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