Application for Nomination: President-Elect/President

The President–Elect will be elected on ODD calendar years and will serve a 6-year committment as described below.

 The first 2 years as President-Elect (2025-2027), 2 years as President (2027-2029), and 2 years as Immediate Past President (2029-2031)

Candidates for President-Elect will have had at least 6-months experience serving on the MaMHCA Board (and/or committee) before being nominated for these offices.

Please note that nomination submission does not guarantee a position on the election slate.

Each officer shall be a member in good standing and shall have been so for at least one year previous to nomination. In addition, each officer must be a Massachusetts LMHC in good standing.
This nomination is for: *
If you are nominating another individual, are they aware of the nomination? *
Nominee information
Is the person you are nominating a MaMHCA Member? *
Has the person you are nominating for President-Elect served for at least 6 months on the MaMHCA Board or on a MaMHCA committee? [This is a requirement for this office] *

"This Committee shall take into consideration the individual’s qualifications for office, geographical location, the nominee’s fields of interest and have the nominee’s consent; and make recommendations to the full board." - MaMHCA Bylaws, September 2021


Thank you for your nomination. The Nomination Committee will be in touch between April 1 and April 15.

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