Policy LINK Ghana - Senior Regional Manager

Policy LINK in Ghana

USAID Feed the Future Ghana Policy LINK Activity is a five-year activity with the overall objective of fostering behavior change that strengthens the capacity and ability of Ghanaian stakeholders to participate in a more transparent, inclusive, and evidence-based agriculture and food system policy process that leads to improved food and nutrition outcomes and broad-based economic growth. Specifically, the activity will facilitate the transition towards a policy development paradigm driven by multiple stakeholders.

This approach to policymaking will strengthen the capacities of Ghana’s main agricultural policy system actors and institutions and support them to engage stakeholders traditionally excluded from decision-making, including academia, financial institutions, the judiciary, Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and private sector representatives from the national, regional, and local levels.

This approach is underpinned by Policy LINK’s overarching theory of change focused on increasing human and social capital, engaging policy system actors in collaborative processes, and developing mechanisms for collaborative governance and dynamic learning systems and platforms to sustain collective action.

The Policy LINK Activity has established the main office in Accra and a subnational office in Tamale to support efforts in the USAID Feed the Future Zone of Influence (ZOI) regions – 17 districts in Northern, North East, Upper East and Upper West regions. This operating model will maximize engagement with a diverse set of key agricultural stakeholders and institutions at the national, regional, and community levels.  

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About DAI

DAI is a global development company with corporate offices in the United States, the United Kingdom, EU, Nigeria, Pakistan, and Palestine and project operations worldwide. We tackle fundamental social and economic development problems caused by inefficient markets, ineffective governance, and instability. DAI works on the frontlines of global development. Transforming ideas into action—action into impact. We are committed to shaping a more livable world.

DAI and its employees are committed to confronting racism and holding ourselves accountable for positive change within the company and in the communities, cultures, and countries in which we live and work.  DAI is committed to attracting and retaining the best employees from all races and backgrounds in our continued effort to become a better development partner.

DAI upholds the highest ethical standards. We are committed to the prevention of sexual exploitation, abuse, and harassment as well as other ethical breaches. All of our positions are therefore subject to stringent vetting and reference checks.

Acerca de DAI

DAI es una empresa de desarrollo global con oficinas corporativas en los Estados Unidos, el Reino Unido, la UE, Nigeria, Pakistán y Palestina y operaciones de proyectos en todo el mundo. Abordamos problemas fundamentales de desarrollo social y económico causados ​​por mercados ineficientes, gobernanza ineficaz e inestabilidad. DAI trabaja en la primera línea del desarrollo global. Transformando ideas en acción, acción en impacto. Estamos comprometidos a dar forma a un mundo más habitable.  

DAI y sus empleados están comprometidos a enfrentar el racismo y a hacerse responsables del cambio positivo dentro de la empresa y en las comunidades, culturas y países en los que vivimos y trabajamos. DAI se compromete a atraer y retener a los mejores empleados de todas las razas y orígenes en nuestro esfuerzo continuo por convertirnos en un mejor socio de desarrollo.  

DAI mantiene los más altos estándares éticos. Estamos comprometidos con la prevención de la explotación, el abuso y el acoso sexuales, así como con otras infracciones éticas. Por lo tanto, todas nuestras posiciones están sujetas a estrictas investigaciones y controles de referencia.