Summer Search Boston: Volunteers for Adventure Prep Sessions & Academic Prep Sessions

Adventure Prep Sessions and Academic Prep Sessions are essential components for students embarking on either outdoor adventures or academic experiences, offering crucial information to ensure they're well-prepared for their upcoming summer endeavors.

Volunteers will play pivotal roles across various aspects of the sessions, including Registration Helper, Morning Group Aide, Hike Leader, Gear Try-on Helper, and Student Panel Member (exclusive to Summer Searchers). As a token of appreciation, lunch will be provided for all volunteers.

Please refer to the details below for the date options and available roles:

Adventure Prep Session
Saturday, May 18, 2024
9:30am-1pm - Morning Shift Role: Registration/Morning Help & Hike
12:30-3:30pm - Afternoon Shift Role: Student Panel Member (Summer Searchers Only)
- Summer Search students will embark on a hike through the beautiful Arnold Arboretum, immersing themselves in nature while bonding with their peers. Following the hike, they will dive into a series of workshops designed to equip them with essential knowledge about outdoor expectations and equipment necessary for their upcoming trip. Volunteers will be tasked with offering assistance with registration and facilitating group introductions, before accompanying assigned groups on the hike. Upon returning from the hike, everyone reconvenes at the office for lunch.
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For Summer Search Alumni & Current Students Only: 
Academic Preparation Session:
Sunday, May 19th, 2024
12:30-2:00pm- Afternoon Shift Role:  Student Panel Member (Summer Searchers Only)
- Summer Search students will engage games and activities designed to foster connections with fellow attendees of their upcoming summer experiences and similar programs. Following this, they will rotate through a series of workshops aimed at familiarizing them with the expectations and opportunities at their respective academic summer experiences. Student Panelist Volunteers, comprised of Summer Search alumni or current students who have completed similar academic programs, will share firsthand accounts of their summer experiences to provide insight into expectations and answer any questions students may have.
Select Role: *
Choose the session time you'd like to volunteer for: *
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(3 remaining)
Choose the session time you'd like to volunteer for: *
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