I declare that the information provided in this form is true and correct;
I confirm all relevant details on file with my current superannuation fund, including full name, tax file number (TFN), date of birth and address exactly match details on file with the ATO and that any mismatch of information will cause my transfer request to be delayed or rejected;
I do not require further information for this transfer. I am aware that I can ask my current superannuation fund for information amount fees or charges and the effects on insurance and other benefits attached to this account;
I confirm, where applicable, that I've lodged and had accepted by my current superannuation fund a Notice of Intent to Claim form for any personal contributions for which I am claiming a tax deduction and acknowledge that once a transfer request is initiated I will not be able to claim a tax deduction for the amounts transferred to my SMSF;
I confirm that I am a member of the above self-managed super fund (SMSF);
I confirm that I have read and understood the
Stake Super Disclaimers, specifically that Stake Super has not provided me with advice about transferring my existing super to an SMSF;
I request Stake Super submit an electronic transfer request to my existing super fund on my behalf and confirm that Stake Super is only assisting me with the administrative tasks related to this transfer request under my instruction;
I confirm that my current superannuation fund doesn't hold any member-directed investments or Kiwisaver components that cannot be transferred to an SMSF.