Planning & Zoning Department Customer Satisfaction Survey

Planning & Zoning Department
Scott Anderson, Planning Director
415 N. Dakota Ave., Sioux Falls, SD 57104
Phone: 605-367-4204
Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to serve YOU better. Please let us know how we are doing by taking a short 2-3 minute survey that will tell us about the service that you have received from the Planning & Zoning Department. We appreciate your business and strive to fully ensure that we meet YOUR expections!
Printable Version of Survey

General Information (optional)

What best describes you? (Check All That Apply)
What is the nature of you interaction(s) with Minnehaha County? (Check All That Apply)

Customer Ratings

Please mark your level of agreement with each of the following statements
 Strongly DisagreeSomewhat DisagreeNeither Agree nor DisagreeSomewhat AgreeStrongly Agree
Training - Employees are well trained.
Supervision - Employees are well supervised.
Professionalism - Employees adhere to professional standards of conduct.
Customer Service - Employees act in my best interest.
Knowledge Level - Planning Staff is knowledgeable and professional.
Respectfulness - Planning Staff is making a positive contribution to my business.
Public Meeting Notification - The notification for public meeting and input opportunities is appropriate for land use planning decisions.
Overall Satisfaction - Overall, I am satisfied with the County Planning & Zoning Department.
Compared to how you felt about Minnehaha County Planning & Zoning before this project, how has your perception changed since working with the County?
How do you feel about the service provided to you regarding the work you either paid for or were expecting from Planning & Zoning Staff?
Do you wish to be contacted regarding your survey? *

Customer Contact Information

Thank YOU again for your assistance in serving YOU better!
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