Changemakers Symposium
Join Utah Global Diplomacy at a single-day symposium for Utah's young leaders. In recognition of the United Nations designated International Youth Day on August 12, the Symposium will give young people the opportunity to engage with global problems facing Utah, the United States, and the world. During the event, attendees will hear from speakers, participate in interactive sessions, and network with peers.
The conference is free to all Utahns. 

Attendee Information

Please select all that apply. Pronouns may be printed on nametags and other materials. If this information changes between registration and the Summit date, please contact
Will you be 18 years old or older on October 7, 2023? *
Which of the following tracks are you interested in participating in during the 2023 Global Changemakers Symposium?
Which of the following best describes you?
Allergies and Dietary Notes
In the interest of environmental sustainability, all meals at the International Youth Summit will be vegan. *

Tell Us About Yourself! (Optional - answers are for research only)...

Which Sustainable Development Goals are you most interesting to you?
Select as many as apply. We will use this information to tailor the event to the interests of the attendees.
How did you hear about the Global Changemakers Symposium
How important is your engagement with nonprofit organizations, government organizations, or other community organizations to you?
How important is your engagement with nonprofit organizations, government organizations, or other community organizations to the organizations?
Please rate your motivation to engage with civic organizations (nonprofit, government, community organizations)
Please rate your engagement with civic organizations
If you are civically engaged, in what ways?
Which of the following best describes you?
Which best describes you? (Check all that apply)
Will you be, are you currently, or were you a first-generation college student?

Under 18 - Parental/Gaurdian Consent

Because you will be under the age of 18 during the International Youth Summit, we would like to email a parent or gaurdian to tell them about the Summit.
Please provide the information of a legal gurdian below. After form submission, they will receive an email with further information.
Symposium Conditions - You must agree to the the following conditions. *