The Global Leaders Scholarship Fund (GLSF) invests in Utah's young leaders, ages 18-32, to enable one to attend an international conference November 3-6 2025 to discuss the most pressing issues of our time. These conferences provide opportunities for you to further develop your leadership skills and create a global network of influencers. This scholarship is offered to leaders who otherwise would not be able to afford to participate in the conference due to travel expenses. The conferences are selected by a committee and you will travel with other peers from Utah universities and colleges. All travel expenses are paid for via the scholarship. To qualify for the scholarship, you must meet the financial need requirements. The deadline to apply is March 7th.
Applicants must meet ALL the following criteria to qualify for a scholarship:
● Be 18-32 years of age at the time of travel,
● Qualify for documentation necessary to travel within the United States or internationally.
● Attend a college or university or be in the process of applying to a college or university in the state of Utah, some exceptions to this requirement may be considered on a case-by-case basis
● Establish a financial need to attend the Event (income no higher than 200% of the Federal Poverty Line)
A Scholarship selection committee will measure each application against the following criteria – Youth must:
● Demonstrate leadership potential
● Establish a long-term vision of how this opportunity will change one’s life by strengthening personal, career, leadership, or engagement opportunities
● Demonstrate a connection to the broader community through service or volunteerism
● Demonstrate outstanding character – specifically, in the areas of exploring solutions to improve one’s community and a passion for involvement
● Commit to writing a final report and work with Utah Global Diplomacy resources and partners to create a short video that shares one’s Event experience
● Provide two letters of recommendation for the program
● Establishes a financial need for support
All qualified youth are encouraged to apply, regardless of gender, creed, ethnic origin, race, or sexual orientation. Additionally, Utah Global Diplomacy and the selection committee will not give preference based on a youth’s choice of career, college or university, or location as long as the youth lives in the state of Utah.
Relatives and associates of the Global Leaders Scholarship selection committee may apply. However, the selection committee member will recuse oneself from the selection process for that particular application.
Before you complete this application, please ensure that you have the following materials ready:
● Two letters of recommendation
● Financial documentation (i.e. previous year income tax statements, FAFSA applications, or bank statements) to confidentially provide to Utah Global Diplomacy staff that verify you meet 'financial need' qualifications
Complete this form to apply for the Global Leaders Scholarship. A paper copy is also available on the Utah Global Diplomacy website.
●Verification of enrollment in Utah college or university
Please contact Ruby Vejar at ruby@utahglobaldiplomacy.org with any questions.