Your remote opportunity for flexible work starts here! We are committed to helping business owners attain peak performance through data-driven decision making.

Thank you for your interest in serving AmpliFi clients.

Our goal is to hire and invest in people who meet our core company values. For this reason, we strive to learn more about you, your skills, your passions, and your personal goals. We also hope that during this process, you will learn our mission and culture.

Like any new introductions and developing relationships, not all candidates will be the right fit for our company or our clients. We understand! If at any time during hiring you conclude we are not a good fit, please speak up and disclose these thoughts or related questions. We respect your conclusions and seek your feedback.


Our process has several steps to ensure those invited to serve AmpliFi clients are the best of the best:


Step 1: Application and resume submission/review


Steps 2-3: Upon review of your submission, you may be invited to participate in a combination of a brief 15-minute phone call and assessment. 

In varying order, you will be provided a link to schedule with an AmpliFi Brand and Culture representative for a short informational call. Following the initial call OR prior to, you may be requested to complete up to 2 assessments:

1) A subjective 360-degree self-assessment to help us better understand how you view your own strengths.

2) A timed assessment, each with 10 minutes or less dedicated to skills like Excel, critical thinking, time management, etc.


Step 4: After review of your assessment scoring (You must fully complete both for consideration of consultancy with AmpliFi!) you may receive up to 2 invitations for virtual interviews where we learn more about you and provide you with more specific AmpliFi opportunities available.


Step 5: A formal agreement with terms of service will be sent to you if all parties mutually agree to move forward. Once accepted (Let's do this!) you will receive appropriate onboarding to email, systems, and processes. 

About AmpliFi

We are not an accounting firm. We are business strategy consultants who believe in data-driven decision-making. With consistent, efficient, and predictable data capture by our financial teams, the best decisions are made. AmpliFi performs modified-GAAP methods to ensure the cost-benefit makes sense for each individual client account. Your application to AmpliFi indicates you understand and accept our service offerings and value proposition to our clients. 



Your Information and Preferences:

Please select industry-specific areas in which you have worked for more than 12 months within the last 5 years:
What kind of work are you most interested in? (Please select all that apply) *
Please select your available hourly commitments: (Please select all that apply.) *
Would you like to review our hourly rate offerings for our Contractor Roles? *
Our starting hourly consultant rates may fall within the ranges below.

Transactional: $19-35

Controller: $35-55

Chief Financial Officer: $55-95

Are you comfortable and willing to accept rates within the ranges specified to your applied role?
Please select yes or no. *

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