CERT Interest Form


Newport Beach Fire Department Community Emergency Response Team

Are you prepared in the event of a natural disaster? 

The Newport Beach Fire Department invites residents to join the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program to learn how to help their neighborhoods following unexpected disasters. The CERT program is available free to Newport Beach residents and anyone employed in Newport Beach. 

We have completed our Spring 2024 classes and are planning for additional classes in Fall 2024. Additional information will be made available Summer 2024.

All classes will take place at Fire  Station 7 at 20401 SW Acacia Street.

Attendance at the first class is mandatory for you to continue with the program. You will have the option to make-up select classes on the last Thursday of the session or in the next session. Some class times may end early and lunch will be provided on the full-day Saturday. The final Saturday will be our 'Disaster Simulation' and Graduation. Any further questions please contact nbcert@nbfd.net or visit www.nbcert.org

What are you interested in? *
Are you interested in volunteering as a part of our CERT program? *
How did you hear about the CERT Program? *
Do you have any relevant experience? Example: Retired First Responder, Nurse, Military, etc.
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