Volunteer as a Teen Leader!


The City of Newport Beach Recreation Services Division offers a Teen Leader Program for teens ages 13-15. The Teen Leader Program allows teens to volunteer alongside Senior Recreation Leaders in the City’s two youth summer camps, one pint-sized camp, Marina Park Sailing & Boating Center, and other City special events. While earning community service credits, this program also allows teens to be involved in the community, develop and enhance life (work) skills, and gain valuable job experience.


  1. Complete a Teen Leader application by Thursday, May 1, 2025.
  1. Qualified applicants may be interviewed, and the top candidates will be selected to join the Teen Leader Program.
  1. Selected teens will undergo a background check, complete the online registration, and pay a $200 program fee to volunteer for 2025.

Summary of Responsibilities:

Assist Senior Recreation Leaders and Recreation staff at assigned sites with coordinating and organizing recreational activities for youth grades K—6 in a volunteer capacity. All participants will be required to attend all trainings/orientations. All Teen Leaders will be responsible for their own transportation to and from the program. City Staff will not transport Teen Leaders except for excursions.


  • Assist youth in cooperative games, sports, outdoor activities, and arts & crafts.
  • Assisted in maintaining the organization of the site by completing assigned tasks.
  • Follow instructions efficiently and effectively, requiring minimal guidance while completing assigned duties.
  • Take the initiative to assist staff in daily duties.
  • Attend mandatory trainings.
  • Assist in the supervision of youth while on excursions.
  • Maintain a positive environment for program participants.
  • Perform other duties as assigned.

Work Environment:

  • May work indoors and/or outdoors in varying types of weather with exposure to sun, noise, sand, ocean, and dust.
  • Teen Leaders are required to go in the ocean with Summer Day Camp participants.

Required Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities:

This program requires a desire to work with youth and interact positively with all ages and types of children. Requires a willingness to develop leadership, problem-solving, and decision-making skills. Must possess the ability to motivate self and youth enthusiastically.  Must be reliant, honest, creative, and willing to follow through on all assigned tasks. Must have reliable transportation to and from programs.

Education, Experience, and Qualifications

Must be between 13 and 15 years of age. Experience working with youth in areas such as babysitting, scouts, clubs, sports, or any other volunteer work is preferred. Qualified applicants will possess a clean and professional appearance and attitude. Each Teen Leader will wear an assigned uniform to the program every day.

If you have any questions or require more information, please contact Barbara Soto Valladolid at (949) 718-1861 or bsotovalladolid@newportbeachca.gov 

Personal Information

Select the age you will be at the start of the program *


The city allows you to choose between three Teen Leader Program locations. Check off the program(s) you are interested in: *
Days Available *
Shift preference: *

Additional Information

For the following questions, please answer for the program(s) you previously checked.


Please list 3 references (teachers, neighbors, family friends, etc. NO relatives): 
Reference 1
Reference 2
Reference 3

Teen Leader Guidelines

I understand that as a City of Newport Beach Teen Leader, the following guidelines will be expected throughout my participation in the program:
1. If selected, I understand I must register online and pay a program fee of $200 to volunteer during the school year and summer camp.

2. Be respectful of others. Fighting and profanity will not be tolerated and are reasons for immediate dismissal.
     a. Maintain age-appropriate conversations with participants.
     b. Be polite and respectful when speaking to parents and staff.

3. Cell phone and air pod/headphone use is not permitted, nor may you take photos of participants. Technology items may be taken for holding by Recreation Staff with return at the end of the shift.

4. Remember that field trips are a privilege; those who do not follow the appropriate guidelines will not be scheduled for field trips.

5. You are responsible for confirming your work schedule with the Program Supervisor. Schedules will be completed before each workweek. Sites and locations are not guaranteed.

6. Teen Leaders are expected to follow instructions from all Assistant Recreation Coordinators and Senior Recreation Leaders.

7. You are responsible for completing all tasks before leaving the program. Check out daily with the assigned Assistant Recreation Coordinator before leaving for the day. When you have been excused, you must leave the program site. As a Teen Leader, you cannot “hang out” around the program before or after your scheduled time.

8. You are working in a recreational setting with small children. Please adhere to the following dress code:

     A. At work, your Teen Leader t-shirt must always be worn. Please remember that while wearing your Teen Leader t-shirt, you represent the City of Newport Beach. Your t-shirt can only be worn while participating in community service with the City of Newport Beach.

     B. Tennis shoes are required (sandals will be permitted on field trips to the beach per the permission of the Assistant Recreation Coordinator in charge).

     C. Skirts and dresses are not permitted.

     D. Keep shorts at an appropriate length.

     E. No shorts/pants that are ripped, have holes, or frayed ends.

     F. Clothing must fit appropriately and not be excessively tight or oversized.

     G. Bathing Suits: Must be appropriate. No revealing bathing suits or string bikinis

     H. Clothes (including hats) advertising alcohol, tobacco, profanity, sexual content, or any other forms of illegal substance are not permitted.

9. Teen Leaders are responsible for transportation to and from their program work site. Teen Leaders are not allowed to be transported by City Recreation Services Staff.

10. As a City of Newport Beach Teen Leader, you are subject to corrective action for violating departmental rules, conduct, or performance that does not meet City standards or expectations.Disciplinary action may vary according to each case but will generally fall under the following:

     • Corrective action up to and including dismissal from the program

The City of Newport Beach has a zero-tolerance policy relating to drug and alcohol use in the workplace. In addition, the following behaviors are considered criminal, inappropriate, or irresponsible and may result in disciplinary action, immediate dismissal, or the notification of proper authorities:

     • Child Abuse

     • Sexual harassment

     • Loss, damage or theft of City or School property

     • Violence

     • Smoking or chewing tobacco on site

     • Inappropriate attire (obscene slogans, excessive tight/loose clothing)

Discipline is at the discretion of supervisors, administrators, and City officials. Should you suspect or witness any of the above, it is your responsibility to report the activity to your supervisor within 24 hours. In a situation that may involve your immediate supervisor, activity is to be reported to the Recreation Supervisor or any other Senior Recreation Staff member.

11. Think safety first! Be careful and have FUN this summer!

I understand the completion of the application for the Teen Leader Program position does not guarantee acceptance in the program or a position with the City of Newport Beach. Only the most qualified applicants will be accepted. *

Parent Waiver

Parent’s Release of Liability: In consideration of accepting this registration, I waive and voluntarily assume all risk of personal injury which may be sustained while participating. I forever release, discharge and hold harmless the City of Newport Beach, the Newport-Mesa School District and all of its officers, agents and employees from any and all liability, claims, damages, costs, loss of service, expenses and compensation as a result of any injuries or damages to any person or property arising out of, or in any way related to, participation in the program by the person registered, and also all claims or rights of action for damages which participant has or may have either before or after he/she had reached his/her legal age (18 years old), resulting or to result from or in connection with or participation in the program by the person registered. The laws of the state shall govern this agreement. The undersigned hereby acknowledged to be lawful parent(s) and or guardian(s) of the participant, acknowledge(s) my/our qualifications to sign the release form on behalf of the participant. Photo Release: I understand that from time-to-time City representatives my photograph activities of City recreation programs and participants. By signing this form, I authorize City of Newport Beach Recreation Services to use or publish any photographs taken by the City showing my participation or my child/children’s participation to promote classes on the City’s internet web site, future publications of the Newport Navigator and flyers. *
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