2024-25 Membership Dues/Renewal Form
Please indicate if this is a new or a renewing membership. if renewing, you only need to fill in form fields with any new or changed information since your last renewal. *
Please check all media that you currently advise:
Are you a current member of the national Journalism Education Association (JEA)? *
If your answer was yes, have you pursued national certification?
Many School district firewalls reject emails from WJEA because our emails often contain links and/or attachments. For this reason, we prefer to send our emails to your personal email if we have it. All our links are from trusted sources and our attachments are usually flyers we generate ourselves or come from known partners like JEA and the SPLC. Please indicate below which email will best allow you to receive timely information from WJEA: *
Please indicate which WJEA events, activities and training opportunities you are most interested in for you and your students. Note: WJEA is a designated Washington State Clock Hour Provider and advisers participants may earn between 2 and 20 clock hours (STEM or Standard), depending on the number of hours attended. *

Make your selection(s)

Thank you for joining the Washington Journalism Education Association and/or the National Journalism Education Association. If joining JEA with this form, your membership will be forwarded to National JEA headquarters and will be processed within two weeks. If you urgently need your JEA membership processed in order to receive a members discount for an event registration, please contact Kathy Schrier, WJEA executive director: wjeaexecutivedirector@gmail.com
If not paying with a debit or credit card (below), please indicate payment method:
If you are providing a purchase order and are requesting an invoice, please proceed to payment page and check the box "Will pay by check", then submit the form. Thank you.
You may upload your purchase order with this form or send by mail to:
Washington Journalism Education Association • P.O. Box 24389 • Seattle WA 98124. 

Current Total:
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The Washington Journalism Education Association is a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation; Federal Tax ID #91-0989642
 • P.O. Box 24389 • Seattle WA 98124 • 206-979-3234 • wjeaexecutivedirector@gmail.com • www.wjea.org •