WJEA Adviser Professional Development Grants Application Form: two $750 grants given

WJEA Members may apply for a $750 grant for in-state professional development where clock hours may be offered or attend a national JEA/NSPA convention.

One grant is given to an experienced adviser and one to a new adviser with three or fewer years of service.

Grant money may be used for the adviser's travel, housing, meals and/or registration fees. It is not to be used for supplies or classroom materials. If used locally, the money can be used for more than one journalism related training or conference, the total not to exceed $750. If it is not possible to use the funds within one year, the remaining balance can be carried over to the next year.

Submit this form by February 15. Awards will be announced in March.
Have you previously received a WJEA Adviser Grant? *
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Thank you for applying for a WJEA Adviser Professional Development Grant!
If you have questions regarding the grant or this form, please contact Grant Committee Chair Anna Ferdinand, CJE: aferdinand@swsd101.org