We're All Connected! WJEA 2023 Summer Workshop for Advisers of Student Media

Tuesday, July 25 - Friday, July 28

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I agree to allow workshop staff to seek medical attention at my expense in case of a medical emergency. *
How long have you advised student media? *
Membership status. Note that all workshop participants will receive a year of free (new or renewed) WJEA membership : *
If you are a member of the national Journalism Education Association (JEA), have you earned a national certification designation? Please indicate below:
CLOCK HOURS: Between 2 and 20 OSPI clock hours will be available for $4 per hour. Up to ten hours may be claimed as STEM clock hours. Clock hours will be payable by check or credit card upon check-in. (Note: Clock hours must be paid for by the individual, not the school or school district.) Do you wish to earn clock hours at the workshop? *
ROUND TRIP CHARTERED BUS TRANSPORTATION will be offered to both adviser attendees and student J-Campers from a pick-up point on Mercer Island. Please indicate if you would like to pay for this option ($125) and if you will be accompanying students. Advisers with five or more students on the bus may travel for free. WJEA will use Wheatland Express Charters.
REGISTRATION runs through July 10, the day we must provide our final count to WSU. Please note discounts for early-bird registration by May 15 and prior attendees. Registration fee covers single room housing (on separate floor from student J-Campers) and all meals from dinner on Sunday, July 31 through breakfast on Wednesday, August 3. Basic linen service is included: pillow, sheets/pillow-case, blanket and towel/wash cloth. Parking is between $8-$10 per day. *
Final date to register: July 10
Please indicate payment method below. *

Current Total:
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