This training session is for students who will hold positions of leadership in their school media programs during the coming school year. The day will cover a range of topics, from motivating and organizing a staff of peers, to student media law. Student editors will meet their counterparts from other schools, who they can then network with after school begins. Participants will receive an "Editorial Leadership Training–Certificate of Completion" at the conclusion of the day.
This form must be completed by each individual registrant no later than August 8, 2024. This form will close when participant numbers reach 50, so the form will close sooner if capacity is reached before Aug. 8. 
Please submit payment with this form or request an invoice and provide billing information.
Check the student media you work with: *

PAYMENT INFORMATION (then proceed to payment page)

Paying as an individual (Please note that payments must be received no later than August 8)
This fee will be covered as part of a group payment coming from:
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