MPPG Fall 2024: Elevating Chemistry Proposal and Funding Application

This form is used to submit a proposal and apply for funding to support multidisciplinary programming at an upcoming national meeting.  Please complete all sections below and use a separate form for each session within the symposium. If approved, funds will be distributed to the programming group within 30 days following the meeting.

Symposium Details


There must be at least one COOPERATIVE co-sponsor to be considered for MPPG funding and designation.
A COOPERATIVE co-sponsorship is a co-sponsorship between two divisions or a committee and a division that involves money or in-kind work. A NOMINAL co-sponsorship is a co-sponsorship between two divisions or a committee and a division in which the symposium is of interest to the cosponsoring division or committee, but no money or in-kind work is involved.
Cooperative Cosponsor(s)
Nominal Cosponsor(s)

Funding Request