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Convergent Chemistry Communities
Sponsored by the Committee on Divisional Activities (DAC)
[formally called Convergent Research Communities (CRC)]

Division Convergent Chemistry Community Application Form

Please refer to the Division Convergent Chemistry Community webpage for complete programmatic guidelines.
Decisions will be communicated in late August/Early September.

Save & Return

Use an account to return to saved work.

Project Coordinator Information

CCC Sponsor Information

Division Letter of Support
Submitting letters of support from the active Division Chairs of sponsors is required. The support letters should be on Division letterhead, signed by the current division chair. If the applicant is the division chair, the support letter must be signed by another executive committee member.

The application must be co-sponsored by at least one other Division. Please include all division sponsor letters in the below upload.
Submitting a letter of support from all co-sponsors is required on this project. 

Convergent Chemistry Community Description

0/2000 characters
0/3000 characters
0/2000 characters
0/1500 characters
0/1500 characters

Questions? Contact
American Chemical Society

1155 Sixteenth Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036

T [202] 872-4458