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Bus Scholarship Application

The LBJ Presidential Library Bus Scholarship Program offers financial assistance to economically disadvantaged Pre-K-12 grade schools visiting the library. Bus scholarships are available on a first-come, first-served basis.

Bus Scholarship Terms and Qualifications:

  • Reimbursement up to $250 per school for a single school year
  • Available to Title 1 Schools/or schools with 50% of free/reduced lunch
  • Your bus scholarship request must be sent four weeks prior to your visit
  • Funding is limited and subject to availability
  • You are responsible for booking and initially paying for the bus. The reimbursement check will only be sent to schools, not bus companies.
  • Invoice for reimbursement must be received within 60 days of your visit.

Step 1: Complete your field trip reservation form
To request a bus scholarship, you must first request a reservation for your tour by filling out our online field trip reservation form:

Step 2: Apply for Bus Scholarship
After you have completed the online field trip reservation form (using the link in step 1), you may apply for a bus scholarship by filling out the form below. Please fill this form within five days of filling out the field trip reservation form. You will need documentation of your school's qualifications as well as a school district bus transportation invoice.

Step 3: Order your bus
Once you have received confirmation of the bus scholarship, order your bus(es) as per the policy of your school district. The LBJ Library will not order your bus or pay for your bus directly.

Step 4: Reimbursement
To receive reimbursement, send a copy of your bus invoice to along with information for who the reimbursement check should be addressed to and the address where it should be sent. Your invoice must be received within 60 days of your visit or reimbursement will be forfeited.

Our bus scholarships are made possible by our generous Amplify Austin donors.

General Information

Type of School *
Are you a Title I school? *

Required Documentation

Upload documentation of your school's qualifications, such as a signed letter from the principal. Please name your document SchoolName_Qualifications i.e. LBJElementary_Qualifications. PDF recommended.

Upload a bus transportation invoice or official quote for the bus. Documentation should show trip information, payment information, and the cost of the bus in advance. Please name your document SchoolName_BusInvoice i.e. LBJElementary_BusInvoice. PDF recommended.

Photo & Video Release

Our bus scholarships are made possible by our generous Amplify Austin donors. At the end of the year, we would like to share with them all the school groups whose field trip transportation was funded because of their generosity. Could we take a photo and/or capture video of your group during your visit to the library? If yes, we will contact you to confirm our photographer is available during your visit. 
If yes, we ask that each student's parent or guardian sign a release form. Please bring the forms with you on your visit. We will collect them to keep for our records. The form may be downloaded here:

Your request will be processed within 10 business days of being received. Bus scholarships without an attached invoice or quote will not be processed.