PulseCMS Support Request
Your name
Today's date
Your email address
Are you a paying PulseCMS customer?
What version of PHP are you running (ex: PHP 7.3.1)
What version of PulseCMS are you running?
What web hosting company and/or operating system are you running? Ex: Ubuntu Linux, GoDaddy, or Windows. If you do not know, enter "I don't know".
If possible, we recommend you create a screen recording of the issue or take a screenshot. You can use a free tool such as
to take a recording and paste the link in the Details textbox below. If you do not include a screenshot or recording, it may take longer to solve your issue.
I have included a screenshot or screen recording.
I did not include a screenshot or screen recording.
Have a screenshot, log, screen recording? Please upload it here. (Max size: 100 MB. Up to 5 files.)
If this is a billing request for a cancelation or refund, did you specify a transaction ID or upload a receipt? Your cancelation or refund request may be delayed if you do not include this.
This is not a billing request.
This is a billing request and I included a receipt.
This is a billing request but I did not include a receipt or transaction ID.
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