High School Senior Scholarship Application

Harbor Foundation High School Senior Scholarship Application

A college education presents a significant financial hurdle for many American families, but it becomes even more daunting when a student loses a parent. Acknowledging the resilience and determination demonstrated by countless young individuals in such trying circumstances, the Harbor Foundation offers a Scholarship Program for high school seniors preparing for college, university, or trade school in the US. Eligible candidates who share how the loss of a parent has influenced their lives can enter to be selected as a scholarship recipient.
Scholarship – 25 Awards, valued at $1,000.00 per scholarship paid to the institute, funded by the Harbor Foundation.


· Scholarships are limited to High School Seniors.

· Have experienced the death of a parent or legal guardian.

· Will be attending college, university, or trade school in the US the upcoming fall semester.

· Have parent or legal guardian’s permission to apply if under age 18.

· A current, complete transcript of grades. Transcripts must display student name, school name, grades, and credit hours.

· Answer questions and share how the loss of a parent/legal guardian influenced your life.

· No candidate shall be denied being recipient of a scholarship on the basis of race, creed, sex, religion, national origin, or any other basis which is prohibited by Section 501 (C) (3) of The Internal Revenue Code.

Application Procedure

Application link is available on the web at harborfoundation.com. All completed applications will be submitted online.

PLEASE NOTE: A Completed Application includes:

. Scholarship Application

. High School Transcript with GPA

. Personal statement about applicant’s career aspirations

. Personal statement on how the loss of a parent influenced your life

. Name of college, university, or trade school you will be attending the upcoming fall semester

Application Deadline

Completed applications must be submitted no later than 11:59pm CST 3/1/2025. Applications time stamped after this date/time will not be considered.


Scholarship winners will be notified by mail postmarked no later than 4/1/2025.


By Submitting this application, I give permission to the Harbor Foundation to publicize my scholarship award if chosen as the recipient. *
Scholarship awards will be sent directly to the student's chosen college/university/trade school. Recipient must provide the Harbor Foundation office with verification of collegiate registration for scholarship payment. *
By selecting "Yes" the applicant has permission from parent/legal guardian to submit this application and give consent and acknowledgement. *
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