Disease Control & Prevention - Communicable Disease Reporting Form

Report Conditions here for Communicable Disease Staff Review

This form can be used to report suspected communicable disease outbreaks and notifiable conditions to Thurston County Public Health and Social Services Disease Control and Prevention - Communicable Disease Staff. 

Facilities and Providers please report immediately notifiable conditions to 360-867-2610 during business hours (Monday-Friday 8am-5pm excluding holidays). 24-hour notifiable conditions can be reported by phone to our main Public Health Communicable Disease line at 360-786-5470 during business hours. Leave a message on the answering machine and you will receive a call back. The final opportunity for individuals to leave a message is 5 p.m. on Friday and the open business day preceding any holidays. To report an immediately notifiable condition or 24 hour notifiable condition after hours please call 1-800-986-9050.

For technical assistance or urgent questions please call the Thurston County Public Health and Social Services Communicable Disease Information Line (Monday-Friday) 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM at 360-867-2610. If no one is available with Thurston County Public Health and Social Services and the condition is immediately notifiable or public health emergency please call 1-877-539-4344.

Who are you reporting for? *

Contact Information

Leaving contact information is optional. Individuals can expect a response back from the Communicable Disease Team within 2-3 business days. 
Do you live in Thurston County? *

Facility Contact Information & Description

Which of the following best fits your facility type? *

Event Summary

Reporting online does not replace calling in an immediately notiļ¬able condition or 24 hour notifiable condition. Report immediately notifiable conditions to 360-867-2610 during business hours (Monday-Friday 8am-5pm excluding holidays). 24-hour notifiable conditions can be reported by phone to our main Public Health Communicable Disease line at 360-786-5470. Leave a message on the answering machine and you will receive a call back. The final opportunity for individuals to leave a message is 5 p.m. on Friday and the open business day preceding any holidays.

For immediately notifiable and 24-hour reportable conditions or a public health emergency needing to be reported AFTER BUSINESS HOURS (Monday-Friday 8:00am-5:00pm) please call 1-800- 986-9050, if no one is available call: 1-877-539-4344.

In Washington State, health care providers, health care facilities, laboratories, veterinarians, food service establishments, child daycare facilities, and schools are legally required to notify public health authorities at their local health jurisdiction of suspected or confirmed cases of selected diseases or conditions. These are referred to as notifiable conditions.

Patient Information

Please fax (secure eFax: 1-833-418-1916) or attach via secure reporting portal below all relevant medical records, lab reports, patient's demographics, and notes related to the reported event. A member of our team may follow up with you for more information, please ensure contact information provided is accurate. 

Event Summary

If reporting a sexually transmitted infection, please use the following confidential sexually transmitted infection case report (WA DOH)
Would you like a line list template provided to you to begin tracking cases? *

Additional Details

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412 Lilly Rd. N.E., Olympia, Washington 98506-5132
(360) 867-2610  FAX (833) 499-1806  TDD (360) 867-2603 TDD (800) 658-6384