Strongman Corporation Sanctioned Event March 20, 2021

Strongman Games Event List:
Event 1: Double overhand Beam deadlift last man standing starting weight 45 then it will jump 10lbs from there
Event 2: Atlas stone load series for time
Event 3: Tireflip 50' sled push 50' frame carry 50'
Event 4: log clean and press reps for 1 min
Event 5: Conans wheel max distance carry

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Participant Registration

Gender *
Division *
Weight Class *
PNW Strongman Games Entry Fee *
Current Total:

Liability Waiver/ Informed Consent

“ I have enrolled in the personalized health and fitness program through Dungeon Fitness. I recognize that my program may involve strenuous physical activity including but not limited to, muscle strength and endurance training, cardio vascular conditioning and training and other various strength and fitness activities. I hereby affirm that I am in good physical condition and do not suffer from any known disability or condition which would prevent or limit my participation in this exercise program. I acknowledge that my enrollment and subsequent participation is purely voluntary and in no way mandated by Dungeon Fitness”

“In consideration of my participation in this program, I herby release Dungeon Fitness LLC, Its Coaches and ALL other participants from any claims, damages and causes of action as a result of my voluntary participation and enrollment.”
“I fully understand that I may injure myself as a result of my enrollment and subsequent participation in this program and I, herby release Dungeon Fitness, its coaches and ALL other participants from any liability now or in the future for conditions I may obtain. These conditions may include, but are not limited to, heart attack, muscle strains, muscle pulls, muscle tears, broken bones, shin splints, heat prostration, injuries to knees, injuries to back, injuries to foot or any other illness or soreness that I may incur including death.”
“I fully understand that all registration fee is non-refundable regardless of the situation. In the event the competition is canceled, I will receive the amount as credit towards another Dungeon Fitness hosted event.”
Signature *